The campaign asked for US$25,000 and ended with US$29,067. After releasing a demo, they sought a crowd sourcing campaign via Indiegogo. Indonesian developer Digital Happiness worked on the game using a team of around 20 people. She gains a spiritual power that could save her and her friends from the unknown. Linda Meilinda realises something mystical is happening to her. They soon realize that something sinister is about to happen. When a group of senior high school students go astray from their vacation trip in Indonesia, they discover an old deserted town. A preview video showed a tablet version of the game, where the player controls Linda via the touch screen. Linda can also find articles and journal entries that describe much of the game's backstory. Any ghosts that are photographed or interacted with in any way will be recorded in a "Ghostpedia" in Linda's notebook. If the player decides to use their digital camera to photograph something, they enter a first-person perspective to see through Linda's equipped camera. The game features both third and first-person control schemes, with the player navigating environments with a standard over-the-shoulder perspective.

However, subsequent deaths will push the light further and further away from Linda, unless she manages to find three mystical items to keep the light closer to her. By running towards the light, Linda will come back to life.

When Linda dies in the game, she awakens in Limbo, depicted as darkness surrounded by candles with a bright light in the distance.

The player uses modern gadgets, such as her smartphone and a digital camera, to interact with (or fend off) various kinds of Indonesian mythical ghosts and to help her solve various puzzles. Gameplay ĭreadOut is a third-person horror game that uses mechanics similar to those found in the Fatal Frame series. A sequel, titled DreadOut 2, released for Microsoft Windows in February 2020 and was subsequently ported to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S in July 2022. There they are confronted with ghosts and paranormal activities, and one of the students, the protagonist Linda, begins to uncover the secrets of the town and its surrounding area. The story is about a group of high school students in Indonesia who come across an old abandoned town. A port for PlayStation 4 was announced but never released. DreadOut is a survival horror video game from independent developer Digital Happiness for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and OS X.