& echo ERROR: Path1: "%_param1%" seems to be a UNC path ^(contains \\^), and UNC paths are not supported by this program ^(but a UNC path can be mounted ^(for example by using pushd^), in order to make it accessible^)!Įcho. & echo ERROR: Second provided directory parameter "%_param2%" is not a directory or is not accessible!Įcho. & echo ERROR: Second provided directory parameter must not be empty!Ĭall :TestIfDirAcccessible _param2 _is_param2_dirĮcho. & echo ERROR: First provided directory parameter: "%_param1%" is not a directory or is not accessible!Įcho. & echo ERROR: First provided directory parameter must not be empty!Ĭall :TestIfDirAcccessible _param1 _is_param1_dirĮcho. REM if "%1" is null, it means that no more parameters are providedĮcho. & echo WARNING: Could not change the code page for CON ^(Console^)! REM Change the code page (character encoding) for "CON" (console) to 65001 (UTF-8):Įcho.

& echo ERROR: Could not start chcp ^(necessary^)! You can save the next code as ccomp.cmd, and then call it with the /? flag to find out how to use it (tested on Windows 7, Windows 10):Įcho ERROR: This script must be called in a Disabled Delayed Expansion block ^(default^)^^^!Įcho.